Fresh Deals
Owner Specials
Coupons & Discounts
Discounts for Everyone
Coupons – Bimonthly deals on coupon tear pads throughout the store.
Fresh Deals – Weekly sales on fresh foods, including produce, meat, cheese, and the Deli.
Senior Citizen Discount Day – Shoppers 55+ receive 5% off everything in the store and Co-op Deli (excluding sale items) every Tuesday.
Wellness Wednesdays – 10% off items in the Wellness Department (excluding sale items) on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month.
Discounts for Owners Only
Owner Specials – Exclusive deals, sales, and discounts.
Special Orders – Special orders receive a 10% discount. Special orders can be made in the store or by phone (507-934-4880).
Owner Appreciation Days Discounts – Tiered discounts during our annual Owner Appreciation Days—the more you spend, the more you save.
Mailed Coupons – Watch the mail to take advantage of big savings.
Stacking Coupons and Discounts
Co-op issued coupons are not valid with any other Co-op offer or discount (senior, employee, etc.).
Co-op coupons will bear the Co-op’s official logo.
Manufacturer issued coupons (like those found in our Co+op Deals booklets) are valid with any other Co-op offer, coupon or discount.
The St. Peter Food Co-op & Deli gladly accepts: Cash, checks, SNAP, debit, and credit cards (excluding American Express).