Education & Outreach
As part of the St. Peter community, the Co-op is dedicated to education and outreach both inside and outside the walls of our store. In addition to the resources below, the Co-op also participates in community events, speaking engagements, and hosts free classes. We also give back to the community through various donations and causes.
March Campaign
Each spring the St. Peter Co-op works with local businesses to collect food and funds to benefit the St. Peter Area Food Shelf. The food shelf is open throughout the year to anyone in need in Nicollet County (with the exception of North Mankato) and portions of Le Sueur County.
Store Tours
We are happy to provide tours of our 10,000-square-foot full-service grocery store to both groups and individuals. We can tailor your tour to match your group’s age level and interests.
Children's Food Program
The goal of the St. Peter Children’s Weekend Food Program is to provide child-friendly, nutritious, non-perishable food items for breakfast, lunch and snacks for local students on non-school days. The program provides weekend food packs to students in preschool through 6th grade, and also runs a teen pantry program to provide older youth with much-needed groceries. The Co-op runs an annual donation drive each fall to contribute to the Weekend Food Program, inviting customers to round-up when they checkout to help meet the needs of food insecure children in St. Peter.